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Education and welfare projects

Education & Welfare Projects

ESRA, founded in 1979 as a non-profit, is Israel's largest English-speaking community, aiding the integration of olim while working toward equality in Israeli society. ESRA aims to help diminish educational and social gaps, especially in the socio-geographic periphery, focusing on education and excellence programs and enhancing personal and social skills in a safe and supportive environment. We also integrate English-speaking immigrants into these projects, helping them feel useful and contributing members of society, thereby serving our two significant aims.

Leadership Through Nature

Through therapeutic animal interaction, 15 children with behavioral problems learn to communicate and acquire tools for success at the Kibbutz Magal riding and animal therapy center, Hadera, and surroundings.


Children with behavioral disorders often find it difficult to adapt to school's rules and general learning methods. They need a different approach to help them succeed. Through weekly attendance with their teacher at the riding therapy farm at Kibbutz Magal, where they interact with animals, the children learn to communicate more successfully and acquire tools for success in school and life. This is a two-year program - in the first year, the children receive training, and in the second year, they act as mentors to fellow schoolchildren just beginning the project. A professional team assists the children throughout their activities. Relationships develop between schoolchildren and mentors, providing both a corrective experience of companionship and mutual support and a model for healthy future interaction.



Develop social and communication skills 
Learn to work within a framework and in a group



11 children participated in the 2022-2023 project.

  • All the children enjoy going to the activity and enjoy working with the dogs.
  • 63% enjoy working with the horses at a high level, and 37% enjoy only part of it.
  • All the children feel they are learning new things.
  • 80% enjoy that the activity is with other children.


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ESRA Secondhand Shops
ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand shops for the community are loaded with clothing and brands for women, men, and children, bric-a-brac, vintage, and much more….all at reasonable prices!

ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand bookshops have a huge variety of English fiction and non-fiction for all ages, including lots of good reads for kids, all at rock-bottom prices.