Events & Activities
We invite you to become a member, enjoy our activities, access personal support and feel the satisfaction of volunteering, wherever, whenever it suits you, knowing you are aiding Israeli society.
Touring Israel's beautiful heritage and nature these days has a greater meaning. As part of the tour of Hospitaller Crusader Fortress, Ramchal Synagogue, and Akko Prison Museum you will also have a chance to see first-hand ESRA's impact projects in Haifa and Akko.. Register
Does life sometimes feel like a scrambled egg gone wrong, a headless chicken running wild, or a cat chasing its own tail? You’re not alone! Join us for an interactive Zoom workshop designed to help you take control of your time and start living intentionally. Register
Documentary Cinema: Jewish and Israeli Identity A series of four films and talks with film-makers plus a special visit to the ANU museum. Register
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