Events & Activities

Events & Activities

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From Classical Music to Jazz with Omer Shomrony

שלישי, 30 מאי 2023 at 19:30

Mercaz Rozin, 2a Dov Drezner St, Ramat Aviv

ESRA members NIS 25 | Non-ESRA members NIS 35

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ESRA Ramat Aviv Branch

One of a series of talks organised by ESRA Ramat Aviv in partnership with Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, Immigrant Absorption section.

In this enjoyable talk we will explore the interrelations between classical music and Jazz. We will start with examples of 'highbrow' classical pieces serving as the basis for Jazz compositions, and later discuss George Gershwin's revolutionary 'Rhapsody in Blue'- one of the greatest cross-genre compositions.

Omer Shomrony is a prominent Israeli lecturer and critic of classical music. He teaches at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel-Aviv University, as well as various colleges of continuing studies. He currently writes for "Mainly Music" online classical music website.

Registration: Click on the register link above or contact the Booking Office at 09-9508371 (ext 2). 
Proceeds support ESRA Education and Welfare Community projects to strengthen Israeli society. Read more

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