Events & Activities

Events & Activities

ESRA’s community provides people of different age groups with different social and cultural activities targeted to their interests and needs, while also coming together through national activities that suit everyone.
We invite you to become a member, enjoy our activities, access personal support and feel the satisfaction of volunteering, wherever, whenever it suits you, knowing you are aiding Israeli society.

Photoshoot in the Botanical and Zoological Garden Nahariya

חמישי, 4 מאי 2023 at 14:00

Botanical and Zoological Garden Nahariya, David Ben Ga'on St 8, Nahariya, Nahariya

ESRA members 20 NIS | Non-mermbers 30 NIS

Visit the page of this event

ESRA Camera Club North

We will meet at 2:00pm at the entrance gate. We will be in the Zoological area with lots of birds and some animals to photograph.

By public transport from Nahariya, take the #3 bus at 1:28pm from the stop in front of the old Soglowek factory on the Gaaton.

Parking is available on Keren Kayment Yisrael Street.

There will be an additional admission charge of 20nis, payable at the garden ticket office at the entrance.


For more information, contact Brian Dodds 053 708 8746 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Photo credit: Brian Dodds

Registration: Click on the register link above or contact the Booking Office at 09-9508371 (ext 2).

Proceeds support ESRA Education and Welfare Community projects to strengthen Israeli society. Read more



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