Events & Activities

Events & Activities

ESRA’s community provides people of different age groups with different social and cultural activities targeted to their interests and needs, while also coming together through national activities that suit everyone.
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The Supreme Court the Knesset and the Government in Israel with Yehuda Shaffer

רביעי, 8 פברואר 2023 at 19:30

Online Event

ESRA members NIS 25 | Non-members NIS 35

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ESRA National

Legal dictatorship or Separation of power? What are the necessary checks and balances recommended?

Yehuda is today an independent consultant after retiring in april 2018 from 30 years of service in the Israeli Government pursuing a legal career specializing in financial crime issues, combined with extensive international experience in applying of the FATF standards.
He was the founder and head of the Israeli FIU (financial intelligence unit) and served as the deputy state attorney (financial crime) in the Israeli prosecution service. Yehuda has participated in several AML/CFT mutual evaluations, and has provided assistance to several jurisdictions on various operational and legal issues, conducting national risk assessments, and training of investigators prosecutors and judges.

Education and Professional qualifications:
• LLB, LLM in Law Hebrew university
• MPA Harvard university Areas of expertise:
• Financial Crime (AntiMoney Laundering, Terror financing , Confiscation Sanctions), FIU, Risk Management. NRA, FATF evaluation

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