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Vatican Holdings from Temple Times with Harry Hirshel Moskoff

ראשון, 4 דצמבר 2022 at 19:30

Ra’anana Archeon, 6 Golomb Street , Raanana

ESRA members NIS 60 | Non-members NIS 85

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ESRA Ra'anana Branch

Harry Moskoff has dedicated himself to studying artifacts from the time of the second Temple which are presently held by the Vatican. These include items such as ancient makhta (incense shovels) and khatzotzroth (silver trumpets), as well as other smaller Jewish cultic items that were used for sacrificial rites. These precious objects found their way to the Vatican mostly through inheritance as well as by way of gifts that were given to the various Popes in the Early/Middle Ages by Emperors of Constantinople.

Remi Award-winning Writer and the Producer of The A.R.K. Report, Harry Moskoff is the Canadian-born Managing Director of Moskoff-Media (Israel), MMLC. His intense interests in biblical archaeology and politics have made him a prolific contributor to many Israeli publications and an internationally- acclaimed expert on sacred Jewish artifacts (Roman period). Moskoff uses the history of Jerusalem and biblical archaeology to counter propaganda, while promoting the ancient Jewish connection to the Land of Israel in the forum of public opinion and mainstream media outlets.
He is considered one of the foremost experts on Ancient Jerusalem and the Temple as a result of his years researching with working groups on the subject. He frequently travels to Jordan, Egypt, Qumran and Rome as well as other locations to investigate the subjects further. Mr. Moskoff is also a TV Show Host in Israel and a member of the White House Press pool, as well as related working groups, attesting to his many years of work as a research analyst on the subject of the final status of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

Registration: Click on the register link above or contact the Booking Office at 09-9508371 (ext 2).

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