Events & Activities

Events & Activities

ESRA’s community provides people of different age groups with different social and cultural activities targeted to their interests and needs, while also coming together through national activities that suit everyone.
We invite you to become a member, enjoy our activities, access personal support and feel the satisfaction of volunteering, wherever, whenever it suits you, knowing you are aiding Israeli society.

Bridge Tournament

Saturday, 11 January 2025 at 19:30

Private Home , Zichron Ya'acov

ESRA Members NIS 30 | Non Members NIS 45


ESRA Five Towns Branch

A short bridge lesson by accredited Bridge Teacher, Dr Gillian Braunold Ben Natan, will launch the ESRA Five Towns Bridge Tournament at her home in Zichron Ya'akov. Refreshment included. Dr Gillian Braunold Ben Natan is a retired family doctor from London who provides much acclaimed, online and in- person, Bridge Lessons using the latest techniques, through her organisation – Bridge Buddies. No partner? Don't worry. Ring Gillian 052-725-5317.

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